Semala Telegba, RF, CKV, FNP, RMT, FNLP
Semala is a functional medicine functional nutrition nutritionist and has been working in the holistic and integrative healing fields for over 25 years.
He graduated from SOHMAR (School of Holistic Massage and Reflexology) Functional Nutrition Labs (Science and Art of Functional Nutrition and Medicine) Studied a variety of holistic modalities under many healers and teachers.
His major fields of studies are in Epigenetics (DNA and genes), and Nutrigenomics, the study of how food affects our DNA, and how our genes respond to food.
Integrating his passion, along with his various modalities, he is also a .....
Natural Healing

The Journey
The journey into his holistic practitioner career began in1997.
Prior years found him in the worst health of his life. He suffered from being overweight with poor diminishing eyesight, intestinal issues, overly acidic and toxic, with chronic knee, back, neck, and shoulder pain. Realizing that without change he was quickly on his way to more severe health and life-threatening conditions.
Understanding that his body's systems were sensitive to certain foods. medicines, and environmental conditions, Semala combined his knowledge of how the body worked, along with his new-found passion, nutrition, and it resulted in his self-healing from the accumulation of multiple health conditions.
In 2001, he gave his first health awareness presentation to an audience of over 300 people. The presentation was titled, 'The Dangers of Eating Meat.' It was the first presentation of its kind during that time, and caused reactions ranging from shock, disbelief, anger, concern, interest, and gratitude. The presentation was a success. The awareness education continues to be a significant part of his practice.
The Passion
His fascination with how the human body worked began shortly after the age of 12, when he received his first microscope kit as a gift.
After years of dissecting and studying non-living specimens, Semala turned his interests to studying the characteristics of live cells of plants under the microscope.
Throughout the years his interests expanded into the studies of DNA, Epigenetics, Nutrition, and Nutrigenomics, where he integrated this knowledge with his various touch point and energy healing therapies and modalities.
The Practice
Semala's practice is a personalize, holistic, and functional approach to healing, that helps an individual understand and discover their uniqueness, while utilizing a combination of therapies and modalities to help resolve the causes of their conditions.
In 2008 Semala was introduced to a spiritual community by his friend Bahar where he was soon accepted by the Guru Master Unmaniji. A few years later, Semala was given the spiritual name, ‘Deva Hanan’, a name that means Divine Mercy.
Many of Unmaniji’s teachings such as awareness, consciousness, and her daily in your- face-connection, which is a benefit of a live spiritual teacher, resulted in many upsets, awakenings, and growth.
These two women, their teachings, and guidance had a major impact on his life. Meditation became a way of life. Meditation is also a major modality in his practice.